Stories of the First Nations

Dovie Thomason Portrait

Dovie Thomason

Dovie Thomason began telling stories publicly while teaching literature and writing at an urban high school in Cleveland to students of varied backgrounds, seventeen languages, and “low-literacy performance.” It impressed upon her the importance and relevance of the oral tradition and the stories she’d first heard as a child of Lakota, Apache, and Scot Traveler descent. In the nearly 40 years since then, Dovie has shared stories throughout North America, Europe, South Africa, and New Zealand, on reservations and maraes, at powwows and conferences, and always in schools and libraries.

She has been recognized by the National Endowment for the Arts as a Master Traditional Teaching Artist and has worked in Arts-in-Education with many state arts councils. Establishing a rapport and bond with listeners of all ages, Dovie creates a climate where laughter, learning, and respect come together. Her storytelling transmits her lived experience of Indigenous oral tradition and transforms it for today’s audiences.

Projects are currently in development. Please check back.

Reflections on Storytelling Dovie Thomason

Reflections on Storytelling

Fox and Goldfinch Dovie Thomason

Fox and Goldfinch


Frogs Teeth Dovie Thomason

Frog’s Teeth


The Making of the Animals Dovie Thomason

The Making of the Animals

(Algonquin / Iroquois)

Turtle Learns to Fly Dovie Thomason

Turtle Learns to Fly

(Lakota / Dakota)